Abstract | Svijet 21. stoljeća se uvelike nalazi u stanju kontradiktornosti i izvrnute moralnosti. S jedne strane svjedočimo pokušajima priznavanja vrijednosti svakog ljudskog bića bez obzira na rasne, nacionalne i vjerske razlike, dok s druge strane svjedočimo nepriznavanju osnovnog prava, prava na život.
Legaliziranjem pobačaja, mnoge države opravdavaju i dopuštaju ubijanje vlastitoga naroda. Nadalje, neinformiranost i medijska zamagljenost istine uzima maha, stoga ljudi vođeni zavaranom savješću, opravdavaju pobačaje. Žene koje su abortirale i/ili njima bliske osobe prekasno shvate pogrešku i posljedice učinjenog djela, što rezultira dugotrajnom patnjom.
U ovom vremenu i „kulturi smrti“, želja nam je bila posvetiti ovaj rad životu, onom najmanjem i nejakom te progovoriti o rani pobačaja i postabortivnog sindroma.
Prvi dio rada se bavi biomedicinskim indikacijama, motivima, okvirima i tehnikama pobačaja, zakonskim regulativama i mogućim zdravstvenim komplikacijama.
Drugi dio rada pruža psihološki odraz postabortivnog sindroma i cilj je opisati što proživljavaju neke žene, muškarci, njihove obitelji i medicinski djelatnici, te pružiti svjedočanstvo patnje (i izlječenja).
U trećem dijelu diplomskog rada donosi se moralna valuacija pobačaja i postabortivnog sindroma prema dokumentima crkvenog učiteljstva.
U četvrtom dijelu nastojimo rezimirati i povezati cjeline, te sretni što takve udruge postoje, pohvaliti rad svih organizacija kojima je primarni cilj pomoći majci i djetetu onda kada je to najpotrebnije. |
Abstract (english) | The world of the 21st century is largely located in the state of contradictions and deteriorating morality. In one hand, we witness attempts in recognition of the value of every human being, irrespective of racial, ethnic and religious differences,while ,on the other hand, we notice the inability to respect and to defend the basic human right, a right to live.
Due to legalizing abortion, many countries justify and permit the killing of their own nation. Furthermore, the lack of information and media blurring of truth is growing, therefore people guided by deceived conscience justify abortions. Women who had abortions and/or persons close to them realise too late the mistake and the consequences of the committed act, which results in long-term suffering.
In this time of lostness, our wish was to dedicate this written work to life, to the the smallest and the weak and speak out about wound of abortion and postabortion syndrome.
The first part of written work deals with biomedical indications, motives, frames and techniques of abortion, legal regulations and possible health complications.
The second part of written work provides a psychological reflection of postabortion syndrome and the main goal is to describe what some of women, men, their families and medical workers may go through. Also, the goal is to provide a testimony of suffering (and healing).
In the third part of this master's thesis we bring moral evaluation of abortion and postabortion syndrome according to church teaching documents.
In the fourth part we are trying to summarize and connect parts, and, being happy because such kind of associations exist in the word, praise the work of all organizations whose primary goal is to help the mother and child when is most needed. |