Abstract | Ova radnja se primarno bavi prikazom Ilijine proročke službe, i (nama danas) pomalo skrivenim značenjima svih događaja s kojima se morao nositi tijekom svojeg djelovanja. Da bi se uspješno moglo ponuditi što širu sliku stvarnosti u kojoj se prorok Ilija našao, u ovoj radnji će se iznositi mišljenja više stručnjaka. No prije analiza događaja koji se tiču njegove službe, razmotrit će se teološke i kultne dosege obiju sukobljenih vjera, njihovo podrijetlo, promotore kao i određene nedoumice koje o njima ostaju neriješene do danas.Promotrit će se i političkodruštvenu klimu koja je uvjetovala spomenuti sukob, blisku povijest razvoja takvog stanja u Sjevernom kraljevstvu i ostale popratne okolnosti.Nakon analize cjelokupne religijskodruštvene pozadine Sjevernog kraljevstva, slijedi glavni dio, počevši od Ilijina podrijetla pa njegovog prvog javnog nastupa, njegovog izgnanstva, njegovog (ili radije Božjeg) trijumfa, pada, potom završetka službe, određivanja svog nasljednika te, na koncu, uzdignuća u nebo.Svakom je od opisanih događaja pristupljeno sa znanstvenog gledišta te su ponuđene analize mnogih stručnjaka koji su se bavili različitim dimenzijama: arheološkom, sociološkom, geopolitičkom, religiozno antropološkom i teološkom dimenzijom sadržanom unutar opisa u Prvoj i Drugoj knjizi o kraljevima, a tiču se proroka Ilije i njegovog djelovanja. Što smo mi pokušali ovdje učiniti jest iznijeti neku sintezu iz konzultiranih izvora.Iako su tekstovi pisani tijekom Babilonskom sužanjstva i sadrže određene ne povijesne elemente, tijekom ovog istraživanja smo došli do zaključka da su svi ti ne povijesni događaji vjerojatno određeni da budu svojevrsna paradigma kroz koju se može promatrati svaka povijesna okolnost progonstva određene grupe ljudi. Ipak glavni pristup ovog rada je iz znanstveno bibličarske perspektive te eksplicitno u samom dijelu nema niti spomena ove partikularne dimenzije, jer se radnja bavi isljučivo životom i dijelom proroka Ilije. |
Abstract (english) | Primary, this paper is a presentation of the prophetic service of Elijah and (to the present readership) somewhat hidden meanings of the events he had to carry out during the period of his prophetic activity. In order to assure a wider image of reality in which the prophet Elijah was active, this paper will present the opinions of numerous experts. But before the analyses of his service, proper theological and cultural reaches of respective embattled faiths, their origins, promotors and also certain pending perplexities that still persist till present day would be considered.The sociopolitical climate that acted as a precondition of mentioned conflict, as well as it's immediate historical context that led to such sociopolitical conditions in The Northern Kingdom would also be considered.After providing the detailed analysis of the entire socioreligious background of The Northern Kingdom, we shall concentrate on the main part of this paper concerning the origin of Elijah, his first public appearance, his exile, his (or rather God`s) triumph, Elijah's fall, his termination of his prophetic service, the appointment of successor, and, at last, the Elijah's ascension.The favored aproach to every described event in this thesis is from the scientific point of view and there are different opinions of experts in different dimensions of their work: archeological, sociological, geopolitical, religious, antropological and theological all inside the descriptions in 1 and 2 Kings, that concern prophet Elijah and his activity. What we have tryed to do is to make a synthesis of papers that were deemed relevant, and were avilable. Although, the text by itself was written after the Babylonian captivity and contains certain elements that are not necessarily historical, it has came to our attention that after this research of Elijahs character and deed, we can confidently say that all these ahistorical paradigms (from the time of it's scription) were probably intended as a sort of arhetype of every historical confrontation between the faithful and a hostile dictator regimes all around the world, up to this very day. Still though this particular theme wasnt given much space in this thesis, as it concerned itself primarily with the biblical scholarship angle of wiew, intended to analyse the life of the prophet Elijah. |