Abstract | Prošlo stoljeće za Crkvu bilo je vrijeme borbe; borbe za vlastitu egzistenciju i identitet. U tom vremenu Bog Crkvi rađa istinskog pastira, jer je 1978. za Petrovog nasljednika izabran krakovski biskup, Karol Józef Wojtyła, koji je uzeo ime Ivan Pavao II. Osoba pokojnog Pape povezuje se uz mnoge teme koje su vezane za moderna previranja, mnogima od njih je darovao svoj veliki obol. Etika, bioetika, moral, socijalni nauk Crkve, pitanje Crkve u suvremenom svijetu i još mnoge druge teme spadaju u opus Papina djelovanja. Ipak, posebno mjesto u mislima i srcu Pape nalazi se Marija, Majka Isusova. Kako današnja mariologija pliva između dva pola: sentimentalnog, koji najčešće pripada širokim masama te krajnje racionalnoga, bliskog nekim teološkim krugovima, što je pridonijelo određenom zaboravu mariologije. Svrha je ovoga diplomskog rada predstaviti lik Isusove Majke u misli Ivana Pavla II. izbjegavajući te dvije krajnosti.Rad se temelji na službenim dokumentima koje je Papa napisao u vremenu svoga pontifikata. Prvi dio rada bavi se dogmatskim mjestom Marije u Crkvi. Pokušava pojasniti gdje je Marija u odnosu na Sina, Crkvu, Božji narod, s posebnim naglaskom na Marijino posredništvo u milosti.Drugi dio rada bavi se ponajprije molitvom; najdražom molitvom pokojnog Pape- krunicom. O ovom se dijelu rada krunicu predstavlja kao duboko kontemplativnu molitvu koja nije samo za neke staleže u Crkvi nego je primjerena i kleru i laicima. Rad završava usporedbom mariologije Ivana Pavla II. naspram mariologije Hansa Ursa von Balthasara i Karla Rahnera. |
Abstract (english) | The last century was a time of struggle for the Church; a struggle for its own existence and identity. During that period God has provided for His Church a true shepherd; in 1978 Karol Józef Wojtyła, a bishop of Krakow, was elected for Peter's Successor and has taken the name John Paul II. The figure of the late Pope is related to various subjects connected to modern ferment and he has given his contribution to many of them. Ethics, bioethics, moral, Catholic social teaching, the issues of the Church in the contemporary world and many other subjects are a part of the Popes opus. However, Mary, Mother of Christ, holds a special place in Pope's mind and heart. Modern mariology is divided into two radical views, the sentimental one, which normally belongs to the masses, and the extremely rationalistic one, close to some theological circles, which has contributed to its lesser usage in theology. The purpose of this thesis is to present the figure of Virgin Mary from the pen of John Paul II, avoiding the mentioned extremes. This work is based on the official documents written by the Pope during the time of his pontificate. The first part focuses on the dogmatic position of Mary in the Church. Its attempt is to address the relation between Mary and the Son, the Church, the people of God, with a special emphasis on Mary's mediation of grace.The second part of the thesis applies mainly to prayer; specifically the Pope's dearest prayer, the rosary. The rosary is presented as a deeply contemplative prayer, which is not reserved to specific classes in the Church, but is appropriate to both the clergy and the lay people. The work is concluded with a comparison between the mariology of John Paul II and the mariology of Hans Urs von Balthasar and Karl Rahner. |