Abstract | Diplomski rad posvećen je egzegetsko-teološkoj analizi Matejeva apokaliptičkog govora o dolasku Sina Čovječjega i pripravi na osobni susret s Proslavljenim Gospodinom (Mt 24 ‒ 25). Prvi dio rada posvećen je analizi višeznačnog i slojevitog fenomena apokaliptike koji se javlja kao odgovor na stoljetne krize izabranog naroda. Stoga prvi dio rada donosi odgovor na pitanja podrijetla, nastanka, razvoja i temeljnih obilježja apokaliptičke književnosti.
Drugi, središnji dio, donosi egzegetsko-teološku analizu Mt 24 ‒ 25, polazeći od delimitacije teksta, literarnog konteksta i sintaktičke artikulacije izvještaja koji predstavljaju »ulazna vrata« u značenje samoga teksta. U svjetlu rezultata istraživanja prethodnih poglavlja, četvrto i ujedno posljednje poglavlje, posvećeno je detaljnijoj egzegetsko-teološkoj analizi Mt 24 ‒ 25.
Temeljna nakana Mt 24 ‒ 25 je ohrabrenje kršćanske zajednice Matejeva, ali i svakoga vremena, koja se radi nepovoljne povijesne situacije nalazila u vrtlogu previranja i napetosti. U Isusovu apokaliptičkom govoru, Matejeva temeljna poruka ostaje ta da se Isusovi učenici odgovorno i zauzeto posvete ponajprije izgradnji vlastite zajednice te da počevši od sebe samih i svojega okružja, budno iščekuju ponovni Kristov dolazak. Naime, posljednje vrijeme je započelo dolaskom utjelovljenoga Sina Božjega i putuje prema svom dovršenju, a zadaća vjernika svakoga vremena je ta da unatoč neznanju »o onom danu i času« (Mt 24, 36), ostanu vjerni, budni i pripravni za Njegov ponovni dolazak. |
Abstract (english) | The thesis is devoted to the exegesis-theological analysis of Matthew's apocalyptic speech about the coming of the Son of Man and to the preparation for a personal encounter with the glorified Lord (Mt 24-25). The first part of the paper is devoted to the analysis of the multifaceted and layered phenomenon of apocalyptic that occurs in response to the centuries-old crisis of the chosen people. Therefore, the first part of the thesis answers the questions of the origin, creation, development and fundamental characteristics of apocalyptic literature.
The second, central part, provides an exegesis-theological analysis of Mt 24-25, starting with the delimitation of the text, the literary context, and the syntactic articulation of the reports that constitute the »entrance door« to the meaning of the text itself. In the light of the results of the research of the previous chapters, the fourth and last chapter is devoted to a more detailed exegetical-theological analysis of Mt 24-25.
The basic intention of Mt 24-25 is to encourage the Christian community of Matthew's time, but also every other time, because it was in a whirlwind of turmoil and tension of the unfavorable historical situation. In Jesus' apocalyptic speech, Matthew's basic message remains that Jesus' disciples are responsible and committed, above all, to building their own community, and that they, starting from themselves and their environment, are vigilantly awaiting the return of Christ. Specifically, the last time began with the coming of the incarnate Son of God and is on its way to completion, and it is the task of the believer at all times to remain faithful, alert, and ready for His coming, despite ignorance »of that day and hour« (Mt 24, 36). |