Abstract | Cilj rada je prikazati utjecaj patrističke ekleziologije na Drugom vatikanskom saboru, točnije u dogmatskoj konstituciji Lumen gentium, a time i prisutnost u današnjoj Crkvi. S obzirom na širinu građe dokumenata Drugog vatikanskog sabora, u radu smo se odlučili usredotočiti samo na navedeno. Rad je podijeljen u dva dijela. Prvi, kraći dio rada, ukratko progovara općenito o crkvenim saborima, zatim naglasak prelazi na Drugi vatikanski sabor, pregled rada, strukturu i plodove. U sklopu pregleda Sabora, ukratko navodimo i povijesni presjek razmišljanja o Crkvi. Drugi dio rada bazira se na konstituciji Lumen gentium, tj. na citatima konstitucije koji se temelje na mislima i djelima patrističke ekleziologije. Pregledalismo svih osam poglavlja konstitucije i izvukli dijelove sa bilješkama baziranima na mislima crkvenih otaca, pisaca i naučitelja. Takvim načinom rada nastojali smo prikazati koliku važnost za Crkvu ima baština temeljena na Tradiciji, konkretno na patrističkom razdoblju. Neke od tema kojima se bavimo su: Božji narod, svijest o poslanju svih članova Crkve, uloga biskupa, đakoni, prezbiteri, uloga laika, svetost kao životni cilj vjernika kršćanina, putevi svetosti, odnos prema nekršćanima, svijet o poslanju u svijetu, putujuća i nebeska Crkva, te Marija. |
Abstract (english) | The goal of this thesis is to present the influence of patristic ecclesiology at the Second Vatican Council, specifically in the dogmatic constitution Lumen gentium, as well as its presence in the contemporary Church. Taking into account the width of the Second Vatican Council's materials, we have decided to focus specifically on the above mentioned. The thesis is divided into two parts.The first, shorter part of the thesis, gives a brief overview of the Church Councils, after which it focuses on the Second Vatican Council, and reviews its activities, structure and outcomes. Within the Second Vatican Council review, we will present a brief historical overview of the reflections on the Church. The second part of the thesis focuses on the dogmatic constitution Lumen gentium, specifically on its quotes based on the views and works of the patristic ecclesiology. We have examined all of the eight chapters of the constitution and extracted the parts that include notes based on thoughts and views of Church Fathers, Doctors and writers. By doing this, we aimed to present the importance that the heritage based on the Tradition, specifically on the patristic period, has for the Church. Some of the subjects involved are: the People of God, awareness on the mission of each member of the Church, the role of the bishop, deacons, presbyters, the role of the lay people, sanctity as the life vocation of a Christian, paths to sanctity, relation towards non-christians, awareness on the mission in the world, Traveling and Heavenly Church, and Mary. |