Abstract | U radu predstavljamo rastavu i razvod braka analizirajući povijesne i pravne činjenice. Tematski je podijeljeno u pet poglavlja. Prvo i drugo poglavlje prikazuju rastavu/razvod braka počevši od biblijskog izričaja braka, kao i rastave/razvoda, pa sve do tumačenja rastave/razvoda na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije. U trećem poglavlju obrađeni su pojmovi uzeti iz Obiteljskog zakona Republike Hrvatske. Obiteljski zakon iz 1998. godine govori o rastavi braka, dok, noviji, Obiteljski zakon iz 2003. godine donosi termin „razvod“ braka. U četvrtom poglavlju detaljno je obrađen Zakonik kanonskog prava iz 1983., u čijim kanonima se govori o rastavi ženidbenih drugova u kanonskom pravu, uspoređivano s Kodeksom kanonskog prava iz 1917. godine. Iako Crkva zagovara i štiti brak i obitelj, ona ipak dopušta prekid zajedničkog ženidbenog života, u posebno teškim slučajevima, inzistirajući na pomirenju, ukoliko je to moguće. U petom poglavlju prikazana je sadašnja situacija brakova i rastava/razvoda, te su izneseni statistički podatci razvedenih brakova u Hrvatskoj. U poglavlju su prikazani uzroci rastave/razvoda, posljedice koje ostavljaju na supružnike, kao i na djecu, koja isto tako pate. Zaključno, uočavamo da Crkva može dati odgovore na probleme obiteljskog života, gdje vidimo da se javlja pozitivno raspoloženje kod ljudi prema Crkvi. Briga Crkve se prvenstveno odvija prema djeci, koncentrira se na pastoral djece osnovnoškolskog uzrasta, dok roditelji, odrasli koji su ostali sami nakon što su ta djeca odrasla i otišla iz obitelji, ostaju izvan pastoralnog dohvata. Također, rastavljeni roditelji, bivaju ponekad sami u cijelom tom kaosu koji ih je zadesio. Kako bi se približili takvim ljudima, potrebno je organizirati terapeutske radionice i osmisliti pastoralne programe. |
Abstract (english) | In this paper work we are representing separation and divorce of marriage by analyzing historical and juridical facts. The whole elaboration is divided into five chapters. First and second chapters are showing divorce starting from the Biblical definition of marriage and divorce until interpretation of divorce on the area of former Yugoslavia. In the third chapter the terms from the Croatian Family Law are explained. Family Law from 1998 is mentioning the word separation while the new Family Law that was brought forth in 2003 has a new definition of the word and uses the word divorce. Fourth chapter has explained details of the Code of Canon Law that was created in 1983. The Code mentions separation of a married couple in the Canonical Law and compares it to Code of Canon Law from 1917. Although the Church mediates and protects marriage and family, she does allow the termination of the marriage life if the situation is especially hard on the spouses but also mediates reconciliation if is possible. Fifth chapter shows us information on marriages and divorces in today's time, were we give some information from the statistic of divorces in Croatia. There is further explanation of the causes of separation/divorce, the consequences they are leaving for the separated spouses and as well the children who are also suffering because of it. In conclusion, we can see that the Church can give answers for the problems of family life and many people are looking toward the Church for answers in good faith. The Church has focused on primary care for children; it is focused on pastoral education of the children in primary school while parents, adults who are left alone after the children grow up and leave the family stay beyond pastoral reach. Also, divorced parents are often left alone in life after the separation. There is a growing necessity for organised therapeutic workshops and pastoral programs to bring these people closer to the Church community. |