Sažetak | Odgovor na pitanje postanka svijeta, života i čovjeka pronalazi se u dva, naizgled nedodirljiva, pravca. S jedne strane odgovor na ovo pitanje kadra je dati prirodna znanost, točnije biologija koja svoju legitimnost zasniva na dokazima teorije evolucije. S druge strane odgovor se pronalazi u vjeri u stvaranje.
Diplomski rad bavit će se temom evolucije u svjetlu teologije stvaranja. Prvo je predstavljena Darwinova teorija evolucije koja je svojom pojavom i percepcijom potresla do tada poznatu i prihvaćenu kršćansku sliku svijeta prema kojoj vrste postoje u onom broju i obliku kakvima su na početku stvorene. Slijedom toga teologija stvaranja doživjela je egzodus pred prirodoznanstvenim dokazima evolucije. U drugom dijelu bit će prikazana teologija stvaranja Josepha Ratzingera koja „stoji“ kao poziv drugim teolozima na smjeli pristup ovoj temi. Na koncu, rad će prikazati usporedno promatranje teorije evolucije i teologije stvaranja kroz misli Josepha Ratzingera koje mogu poslužiti teolozima kao polazna točka u tumačenju stvaranja svijeta evolucijom. Isto tako, rad će predstaviti pitanje duše koje je kamen spoticanja u simbiotičkom pristupanju teoriji evolucije i teologiji stvaranja u svjetlu promišljanja hrvatskog teologa Tončija Matulića. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The answer to the question of the origin of the world, life and man can be found in two, seemingly untouchable, directions. On the one hand, the answer to this question is able to be given by natural science, more precisely biology, which bases its legitimacy on the evidence of the theory of evolution. On the other hand, the answer is found in faith in creation.
This paper will deal with the topic of evolution in the light of creation theology. First, Darwin's theory of evolution is presented, which, with its appearance and perception, shook the previously known and accepted Christian picture of the world, according to which species exist in the number and form in which they were initially created. Consequently, the theology of creation experienced an exodus in the face of natural scientific evidence of evolution. In the second part, Joseph Ratzinger's theology of creation will be presented, which stands as a call to other theologians to boldly approach this topic. At the end, the paper will present a comparative observation of the theory of evolution and the theology of creation through the thoughts of Joseph Ratzinger, which can serve theologians as a starting point in the interpretation of the creation of the world through evolution. Likewise, the paper will present the question of the soul, which is a stumbling block in the symbiotic approach to the theory of evolution and the theology of creation, in light of the thinking of the Croatian theologian Tonči Matulić. |